• Office lady lover

    Dans les quartiers d'affaire, le matin dans le métro ; employée de bureau toujours impeccable.Le mythe de l'OL toujours vivace;le Japon éternel

    capturant la beauté glorieuse d'un "OL", qui est, une «dame de bureau» ou employé de bureau féminin qui

    regarde si bon dans son costume d'affaires professionnel, mais est juste une femme vulnérable quand tout se détache à la fin de la journée.

        On my first day of work at Honda's headquarters in Tokyo, I walked into the seventh-floor Administration Department and stared into a black-haired sea of Honda employees. The Japanese men were dressed in dark business suits, but the women wore blue polyester knee-length skirts and matching vests. I was shocked to see only women in uniforms. They looked like tall Girl Scouts, missing only merit badges and knee socks.
        More than one hundred desks and at least as many people filled the wide-open office space, and considering the number of people it seemed suspiciously quiet. Two women approached me looking like paper cut-out dolls in blue uniforms, white blouses, and black, shoulder-length hair. Nothing about them seemed particular enough for me to grasp; if they were to turn back into the crowd of people I felt sure I would never find them again.
        In polite Japanese one of the women asked me to follow her. We walked down a long, empty hallway. No one spoke. We stopped in front of a closed door and one of the women knocked timidly. Then she opened the door which led into a small, dingy storage room; brown cardboard boxes stood along the windowless walls. The women effortlessly slipped off their shoes before stepping up onto a low landing. I imitated their actions.....


    LAURA KRISKA - The accidentale office lady- Tuttle éd.



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